2. Facts of Life - I wanted Blair's hair and Joe's balls. I still like how Blair's handicapped cousin said her name "Bllleeeehhh". I'm not mean, that's how she said it. Don't judge me.
3. The Brady Bunch - I love Greg. I love the dad, gay or not. I once accidentally had Florence

4. Friends - Not anymore, I've tried, but when it was originally on I never missed it. I cried when Ross and Rachel broke up. I don't care if they were on a break or not.
5. King of Queens - My life on tv. To quote Doug Heffernan, "I'm fat, you're mean. It works". That's all I have ( why do I pronounce it half? Seeing it typed out is making me question my pronunciation) to say.
6. Scrubs - We didn't watch this until about a year ago, then we tivoed it and watched all ten seasons in about a week. It's that good. Especially if you watch it from start to finish and see them change and develop. Mostly for the changes in Elliot's hair.
7. Charles in Charge - I need to see if that's on tv anymore. Frequent doses of Scott Baio at any age contributes greatly to my level of passion, if you know what I mean.
8. The Real World - Stop judging, I say! Again, not so much the new ones, but those first seasons were great tv viewing. I do want to see what happens when people stop being nice and start being real.
9. Growing Pains - Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron. Kirk Cameron. I. Still. Love. Him.
10. Arrested Development - Possibly my number one. We watch it repeatedly and laugh out hard, out loud, every time.
11. Cheers - No, this is my number one. Classic stuff, right there. I can still watch it now and laugh just as hard as when it was first on.
That's what I came up with, ladies. I'm anxiously awaiting your lists to find out what all I forgot to remember.
Next weeks assignment: Songs you love, but are embarrased to admit it.
I can't believe we don't share a single show in common. Unbelievable. I guess not really unbelievable. Most of the shows you watch are only funny to me if I watch them with you and Chris. Chris with one hand on the TiVo control, rewinding, laughing, rewinding, laughing, rewin....
More shame. Memories...wish I could recall.
I used to beg my mom to let me listen to the opening song of Cheers before I had to leave the room & get ready for bed. I would sing along, of course! Growing pains OF COURSE! Family Ties!! AHHHHHHH!! And this was so "easy" last week. well...hmm.
Lloyd thinks Scrubs is a riot. Working in a hospital he can relate. We watched the first season & are now watching the others on DVD.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch was also on my fun to watch list.
I told my husband last night that I had to at least consider putting Sabrina on my list! I love that show, too. Also, I love the Amanda Show. I find a laugh track is rather nostalgic and soothing. All the shows we watched growing up had them, I guess.
FACTS OF LIFE! You're right. That show was the shiz. :)
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