It used to be the Masonic Lodge Retirement Home and we would drive by it once in awhile. It sits back off the highway on beautiful grounds and looked like a cross between the White House and a castle to me.
The wedding was pretty cool. We got a kick out of trying to count all the tattoos. Interesting assortment of characters in that bunch of folks, I tell ya. I got hit on AND invited to smoke weeeeed with the groomsmen. I did NOT take them up on that offer. Instead I drove to Fred Meyer and bought a Diet Dr Pepper because that's how I party, yo. And because McMenamin's selection of soda SUCKS and The Grande Lodge is a McMenamin's property now.
I had a great time. The flower girl loved me and got me to take lots and lots of pictures of her. I would never stay in their rooms again because they have the whole "group bathroom" set up and I'm not a fan of that. I'm also not a big fan of no tv in the room. I'm also not a fan of no air conditioning in August. If all of these things sound like I didn't love it, I did. Just not as a place to spend the night. Other than that, I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend that Jenny let me assist again.
Want to tag along with me this coming Saturday AM (10 AM) to take pictures of a bride and groom. It isn't a wedding, but you can be my helper again. :)
I was thrilled you were there! Thank you! if not for you, I might have lost it on that bride for sure. So professional. :) But I held it together and had a great time too.
You forgot to mention the alarms going off all night long (might be the drunk kid in the hall). :)
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