Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sorry for the lack of blogging

We spent the morning searching for the cheapest tball gear. Do they REALLY need gear for tball? I doubt it, but that's what the coach said is necessary, so that's what we've been doing. That and "discussing" our future employment situation and the dynamic surrounding that change. It's been just lovely, let me tell you. We sure can get heated when we don't see eye to eye on something. I'm sure he'll love this post as it is, so I'll spare you the exciting details of our emails to each other. I refuse to "discuss" in person, because I can't verbalize my "feelings" very well and I get so frustrated, so as creepy as it is, I send an email upstairs to our office/bedroom when I have a concern. So far my emails today are only making things worse, and my sisters are on their way up here soon for Momo's first tball game, the first EVER tball game for our local nieces and nephews, so we're all a little overly excited, and I'm sure the climate in my home will be very pleasant for our company. Lucky for them. I'm afraid I've ruined my whole day, probably longer. I should have followed my first inclination and remained silent. Why can't I remain silent? I swear I'll begin to remain silent. That's my goal. To just shut up and stop typing. No more putting it all out there. I'm stopping. Right after this. No more. I'll tape my fingers together. If I can find some tape. I think we're out of tape. There goes that plan.