Monday, December 5, 2011

Festival of the Nativity

The advent calendar.
This year I made an advent calendar with the little box for each day. I've never had one of these before and I wasn't sure how to squeeze a treat for 4 or 5 kids into each little box. I decided that sometimes it will be an activity instead of a treat and yesterday was the first one. We headed to the Festival of the Nativity for the first time. It's one of those things that I've always meant to go to, but I miss it every year. It was great, although my camera promptly died so we're left with lovely cell phone pics...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

I thought I'd go ahead and post pictures of the tree. The kids decorated and I managed to only yell about ornament placement a wee bit. I figure it's going to be messy anyway, so why stress about it. Also, I got some pictures of miss Avery enjoying the window seat. 

Oh Christmas Tree

I thought it'd go ahead and post pictures of the tree. The kids decorated and I managed to only yell about ornament placement a wee bit. I figure it's going to be messy anyway, so why stress about it. Also, I got some pictures of miss Avery enjoying the window seat. 

Friday, December 2, 2011