Monday, October 5, 2009

Who doesn't love a good wedding? (this post was started in August)

Jenny let me be her photographer's assistant for a wedding at The Grande Lodge in Forest Grove. I really wanted to go because a) I thought it would be a blast to hang with the photographer at a wedding (and I was totally right) and b) I always wanted to live there when we were kids.

It used to be the Masonic Lodge Retirement Home and we would drive by it once in awhile. It sits back off the highway on beautiful grounds and looked like a cross between the White House and a castle to me.

The wedding was pretty cool. We got a kick out of trying to count all the tattoos. Interesting assortment of characters in that bunch of folks, I tell ya. I got hit on AND invited to smoke weeeeed with the groomsmen. I did NOT take them up on that offer. Instead I drove to Fred Meyer and bought a Diet Dr Pepper because that's how I party, yo. And because McMenamin's selection of soda SUCKS and The Grande Lodge is a McMenamin's property now.

I had a great time. The flower girl loved me and got me to take lots and lots of pictures of her. I would never stay in their rooms again because they have the whole "group bathroom" set up and I'm not a fan of that. I'm also not a big fan of no tv in the room. I'm also not a fan of no air conditioning in August. If all of these things sound like I didn't love it, I did. Just not as a place to spend the night. Other than that, I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend that Jenny let me assist again.


jlcumber said...

Want to tag along with me this coming Saturday AM (10 AM) to take pictures of a bride and groom. It isn't a wedding, but you can be my helper again. :)

I was thrilled you were there! Thank you! if not for you, I might have lost it on that bride for sure. So professional. :) But I held it together and had a great time too.

You forgot to mention the alarms going off all night long (might be the drunk kid in the hall). :)