Saturday, January 5, 2008

Best Article EVER

I love magazines. Little nuggets of wisdom (or trash), articles short enough to finish between parenting tasks. Reviews of books I wish I could read, or reviews of Britney's choices. I love it all. I would rather read a book all day long, but that's what it becomes. All day long. I can't stop once I get started, so instead I subscribe to every magazine printed. One of these (I feel the best one) is Readers Digest. I first fell in love with RD as a child. One of the only magazines in my home and I loved the jokes. Now I love the interesting articles. Particularly the ones that let me know the symptoms of diseases that I most likely have. I wouldn't even know about my pending death if it wasn't for these helpful writers. I am not a hypochondriac. As I have often pointed out to my husband, I don't ever go to the doctor. Hypochondriacs go to the doctor. I self-diagnose and then plan for my motherless children's future while fretting over all of my symptoms. This whole tangent has nothing to do with the reason I am writing today.

The reason I must blog is on page 97 of Sept/07 RD. As I mentioned previously, I have only small windows of time to read, so I am only now reading the magazine which arrived most likely in August. The title of the brilliance is "Why Men and Women Laugh Out Loud". (Not the most apt title. I would have gone with "Proof that Men's Brains Closely Resemble that of a Nine-Year-Old Boy.") This was an article that should have been copied and mass emailed by every married women on the planet. It legitimizes so many feelings that I have about my husband. I can't really capture the glory of it all. Just click on the link above. It was written by a man. It not only made me laugh, it also made my husband laugh. Really hard. I loved the University of Toronto study proving that men's senses of humor most resemble that of brain damaged individuals. My husband loved the the part about guys enjoying other guys getting kicked in the groin. I don't know how many times last night he said, "Kicked in the balls, hehehe"(he likes any excuse to say that). Read and enjoy, you're life will be better for it.


jlcumber said...

Ok. I haven't gone to the article yet, but laughed so hard that Josh thought I had lost my mind over your ramble. You kill me!