Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April fools joke

I don't know if you'll be able to tell by this video, but the kids were TERRIFIED!!! Not Kiki, but the other 4 did NOT want to join me in chasing the bear. It was AWESOME.

The best part of the whole joke was Chris' preparation for it. He thought of it this morning at work and spent the whole day calling around trying to find a costume for rent somewhere. He was mostly excited to do his famous dance moves. Any excuse to do the running man. He was seriously cracking himself up, and you know that him being his own biggest fan is one of the funniest things about him.

KaiKai got us back by teepeeing our room and writing things on our bathroom mirrors about us smelling bad. That's not funny, I do smell bad.


jlcumber said...

We loved it!!! Great joke!!! :) Nice moves Mr. Bear.

Heidi Rushing said...

So were you in on this ahead of time?

heather said...

That is such a great idea! Love it!

Thayer & Associates said...

Go Bear! Go Bear! Go Go Go Bear!

Sam said...

THAT was awesome. Hat's off to you, Mr. Berg. So fun!