Friday, September 26, 2008

Flashback Friday

With Mo starting Kindergarten I've been looking for Kiki's first day of Kindergarten pictures. I finally found them in her personal scrapbook, along with some pictures of her first Easter that make me ovulate. Cute little turd, isn't she?


Todd said...

I keep hearing rumors you are shy. Not seeing it.

make me ovulate?

Nope, not seeing it.

jlcumber said...

SO SO CUTE and she made me ovulate. :) Dang it. Ashlynn might get a sister or brother after all. Shoot. Keep Josh away.

Amy said...

Yeah, ovulate. Kiki said "ewww, that's so gross" I said "Hey, that's my body telling me to have more cute babies. I didn't say "these pictures make me horny. that would be gross."

Shy and blunt are two totally different things. Trust me.