With Mo starting Kindergarten I've been looking for Kiki's first day of Kindergarten pictures. I finally found them in her personal scrapbook, along with some pictures of her first Easter that make me ovulate. Cute little turd, isn't she?
Yeah, ovulate. Kiki said "ewww, that's so gross" I said "Hey, that's my body telling me to have more cute babies. I didn't say "these pictures make me horny. that would be gross."
Shy and blunt are two totally different things. Trust me.
I keep hearing rumors you are shy. Not seeing it.
make me ovulate?
Nope, not seeing it.
SO SO CUTE and she made me ovulate. :) Dang it. Ashlynn might get a sister or brother after all. Shoot. Keep Josh away.
Yeah, ovulate. Kiki said "ewww, that's so gross" I said "Hey, that's my body telling me to have more cute babies. I didn't say "these pictures make me horny. that would be gross."
Shy and blunt are two totally different things. Trust me.
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