Monday, May 12, 2008

The Force is Strong With This One

Me: Morgan, do not take things away from your brother. Yes, I know that he's not supposed to have the curtain rod, but just tell me and I'll take care of it. Don't use force with him, it just makes him scream.

Her: Mom, why did you say that?

Me: Say what?

Her: That I was using the force on him.

Then she waved her hand in front of my face. Then she walked over to her father and waved her hand in front of his face and said

You will get me cookies daddy.


Thayer & Associates said...

That is so funny. I love that she gets how it works. The force is strong in that one.

jlcumber said...

No way! I am calling BS. that is the funniest thing EVER!

Amy said...

100% true. I almost hurt myself. I think she got it from being with Jackson on Saturday.

jlcumber said...

So funny! I was reading it out loud to Josh when I read it the first time and we were laughing out butts off. She is so funny!