Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't Forget to Pack Your Angry Eyes

We have something in our house we like to call "angry eyes". My husband has natural scowl that he doesn't realize he's doing. It's just the way his face looks. Kai got it. Once a small child at the local grocery store's drop in child care called Kai mean. We weren't sure what she was referring to since we had never been there before and had only just arrived to check her in. After a brief question and answer session we realized that the natural scowl was something that scared the other girl. Finally the genetic trait has shown itself again in Miss VeeVee:

I might be biased, and I do love him in a wrongly passionate way, but doesn't he have the most beautiful eyes ever? I know. Sometimes I want to pop them out and keep them in my purse so I can look at them all the time. In defense of my lazy parenting: I like to keep the kids in dirty clothes and let them spend the day with snot/food/dirt on their faces, not because I'm negligent, it's really because I don't want the other kids to hate them for their beautiful perfection. I'm just trying to even the playing field and keep my little super models humble.