Friday, March 28, 2008


Wow, seven posts from me today. Is that a record for me? I think it might be a record. Should I go back and count each day's posts? I do have a lot of words saved in my head from being left without another adult to talk to all day, I could probably post some more. Maybe I could get to ten posts today. I bet I could. Here's whats happening right this minute:

Chris and Kiki are watching Lord of the Rings in the other room and I'm preparing my lesson for the kiddos on Sunday. I can hear that it's the Gollum part, which makes me think of Leanna, which makes me laugh, laugh and cringe, because I don't want her to think that anyone actually thinks she looks like Gollum. She totally doesn't, except in a few select childhood photos.

So I hear Gollum go off on his rant about My precious, come to me, my precious Then I hear Chris say to Kiki I bet that's what goes through Momo's head every time she sees Superturd playing with anything and that's why she feels she must take it from him.

That's funny to me.


jlcumber said...

you should have gone to bed at 8 PM again. :)