Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Flashback - Gollum Edition

Leanna, here's some of the many worst pictures I found of me. There's just so many to choose from that I had a very hard time narrowing it down. I have the "poodle" look, when I was refered to as "bubbles".

The always popular, very long lasting, but probably much over used, boy phase. There's just so MUCH in this area, it's hard to resist. I'm pretty sure that I'm not wearing any pants in this one---->

Then there is any picture taken after an unfortunate hair coloring and/or cutting episode. Or taken in a swimming pool. Either way, it's not going to be pretty.

Now, for my husband's fav of the week...ANOTHER GLAMOUR SHOTS!!! That's right, I went back and did it all again, because heavens knows that the first round was just so HOT that who wouldn't spend more of their hard earned single mom can't pay for laundry soap, but can pay for skank nails cause I need to hook a new baby-daddy, money on this hottness right here. I will also admit that this was a Valentine day gift for a potential new baby-daddy. It totally wasn't MY idea, it was Susan, the vault teller at the bank I worked for. I blame her for this whoredness:
Then there's the always lovely pictures of me during my pregnancies, childbirth, or for at least one year following, maybe longer. Upon peeing on that blessed little stick and seeing those blessed little pink lines appear my body blows up to twice it's normal size. Like RIGHT THAT MINUTE. There's no gradual weight gain spread out nicely over 9 months. I don't get that lovely first trimester with it's big boobs, but no belly. I just go ahead jump into the 200 range and get it over with. I don't mess around. If I hadn't spent so much of the last six years pregnant, it wouldn't be quite as BIG of a problem. I now share the glory of my bountiful splendor:

Lastly, let us finally include Chris in all of our fun. Here you go, no explanation necessary:


Lars said...

You & Pammie in your sleeveless turtlenecks. Wow!

I actually like this glamour shot more than the others. Did I mention that I just noticed about a month ago that those studios aren't in our malls any more?

Thayer & Associates said...

You are officially the bravest person and sister I know . Oh My Gosh!!!
It's not easy to be that brave.
I bow to your braveness.
Youve got to be the best sister for doing your Gallom post, You so totally rock.

jlcumber said...

Holy cow. I think that picture of Chris is awsome and you went over the top with ALL the pictures.


D says the one of Chris is the worst photo he's ever seen of YOU. For reals...he thought it was you.