Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I'm trying to post some videos and it's not WORKING! That's why you see blank posts. Also, my keyboard has gone back to it's old trick. It won't type double letters at all. I can't even backspace without waiting 3 seconds between each letter. And I'm a terrible typist, so I realy utilize that backspace key. So, my blogging world is in crisis.


Lars said...

I can't figure out how to post videos from my own camera. Good luck!

I have been through 3 keyboards in about 18 months. It used to be my husband just insisted on replacing the one with no visible letters, but now I get sticky "shift" keys. But then I use my keyboard a bunch.

Sam said...

NO! NO! We simply cannot live without posts from the Aim. Cannot and will not. Do you need me to have a new keyboard helicoptered out to your location? :)

jlcumber said...

I will charge it to work if needed! :)