Friday, March 21, 2008

Too much information. SHOCKING, isn't it?

It's health week in our fifth grader's class. Videos about puberty, a goody bag with feminine hygiene products and deodorant, and lots of pre-teen giggling.

After school on Tuesday I asked her what they learned that day...

Her: We learned about HIV and AIDS. That stuff is SOOO scary! There were pictures of people with HIV and they're so sick! They can die really easily and they have to take a whole bunch of pills everyday.

Me: It is scary, but did they tell you what to do to not get HIV?

Her: Yeah, they did.

Me: Did they tell you that condoms aren't 100%, that to be 100% safe you need to be abstinent?

Her: Wellll...they told us to be careful if someone gets cut or their blood is around, you shouldn't touch it, you should get help or wear gloves or something, even if it's, like, your BFF, cause you never know who might be exposed to it and stuff.

Me: Ummm...were they just talking about getting it from people's blood and stuff? They didn't talk about sex at all.

Her: Sex is next year.

Me: Ooops.

Her: Yeah.

Her: What are condoms?

Me: Ummm, well, they're (blah, blah, balloon, blah, blah, penis, blah, blah, protection, blah, kill me now, blah). But just waiting till you're married is way better and safer and better and stuff.

Her: Awwwkwarrrd mooomennnt!



jlcumber said...

I could die! I could die! And it wasn't even me! Gosh I love her! She is so funny!!!

Amy said...


Amy said...

i finally posted a video :)

Lars said...

Hey bravo to you for teaching her something yourself & not waiting for the school to get around to it! Good parent..even if it was accidental.