Monday, March 31, 2008

Baby Steps Toward Recovering From Codependency

Momo asked if she and I could do the grocery shopping alone. I told her I needed daddy, too, but she said that she sees him ALOT and needs some alone time with me. I can't say no to that, so we went together. Next time I will easily be able to say no.

Maybe Safeway would be ok, but not Winco. It took 2 hours without manly man there to bag everything while I unloaded the cart. Much harder by myself.

So much for baby steps toward recovery. This is a total set back.


Rhoda said...

You have to expect setbacks. You didn't get this sick overnight, and you will not recover overnight. Be patient with yourself. You are ok. Think good thoughts. Go to your happy place.

That's all I got..... :)

Roger said...

Dad says he won't take me to Winco either.
I think he putting Mo and me in the same category.