Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Olfactory Memories

Strangely enough, I took a sniff of KiKis head today. I don't know what made me do it. I think it was because she didn't wash it today and it looked a little greazzie. Just at the crown, not too bad or anything, but for some reason I wanted to see if it made her head smell funny. It smelled kinda nice, but the freaky thing was it smelled exactly like my moms head when I was growing up. I had that time travel thing and I thought I was a little kid sitting next to my mom on the couch sniffing her 'fro. It was pretty funny when I told Leanna to take a whiff. She said "Oh, mommy" and she started to tear up. I'm going to go out on a limb and says she's a little hormonal at this point in her pregnancy. This was not the only point that she cried today, she also had a rough time even talking about the break up songs. It was awesome


jlcumber said...

Oh my gosh. why would you do that to her Amy and she isn't only that way from pregnancy. :) Hee Hee. Love ya Lanana!

jlcumber said...

Like the new layout!

Thayer & Associates said...

You can bite me Jen.....