Sunday, March 23, 2008

To My Sisters...In case your Easter isn't as entertaining as you might hope

I just wanted you to know that last night I...

a) Sent my handsome partner in codependence to Walgreens at 9:50 (and they close at 10) because we realized how lame our attempt at the grab and dash for Easter baskets had been

b) Went to get our hand sewn by Aunt Becky Easter baskets out of the garage and could only find one, so I resorted to writing their names on white lunch sacks. Hey, I wrote them in pastel colors for Easter! And I cut the top of the bags off with squiggely scissors to make them extra special!

Those lucky little suckers! No jokes about five kids, Jenny!


jlcumber said...

No jokes! I am happy for them that the Easter Bunny took all that time to come to the Berg's house. :) HAPPY EASTER!!!

Sam said...

They know you love them, and they know EB loves them, no matter what package their stuff is in. Funny, tho. Love your full disclosure. Cute.