Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dr. Oz is not Evil

Here's what we've been doing that Dr Oz said to try for 2 weeks. Before dinner eat one slice of 100% whole grain bread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil spread on it. I can't remember all the reasons that it's so good for you, but I do remember that he said you would eat a lot less at dinner and I'm telling you he was SO RIGHT. We each eat half or a third as much as we were eating and we're stuffed AND we don't sit there and pick at the left overs while we talk to the family, we just talk AND we don't even ask each other if we can have ice cream before bed, it never even comes up. I've lost 3 more pounds and I didn't change anything else but that. Just try it, you'll see.


Lars said...

Can I quote you?

jlcumber said...

I am totally going to try it!

AND...when you gave it to me at your house last weekend I wasn't hungry at all for dinner really.

Third: Next family pictures will be done outside!

gina said...

Mabe I should try this right before I eat a heaping handful of PB M&M's!!! :)

Amy said...

mmmm, M&Ms, yeah, I'll try that too.