Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Didn't Even Think About Taking a Forever Nap Today

Thanks for all your support and commiseration about my "talker" and thank you, Jenny, for acknowledging that you could be called as a witness if I were to stand trial.

Today was one of those times when you receive just what you needed just in time. Those times when you know that your Heavenly Father is aware of you and won't let you have more than you can take. Clearly, I haven't been pulling off my Stepford Wife impersonation as of late. Today at Stake Women's Conf I took a marriage class, a parenting class, a Feasting on the Scriptures class, and a class about having the family all sit down for dinner. And my kids were in the nursery for 4 hours. And they fed us lunch. To have someone playing with them and me getting spiritually and physically fed was exactly what I needed.

Also, it stopped snowing just long enough for Mo's TBall game AND friends invited us to dinner, so I didn't cook a single meal today. She did insist on wearing the TBall uniform to the Stocks' house for dinner and also to bed tonight, but I was let out of servitude for several hours in a row, so I'll gladly give her whatever she wants.


jlcumber said...

sounds like the perfect day! glad you went still. any puking yet?