Sunday, April 6, 2008


When I put this color on my hair this morning to process while watching conference Codependent husband said What if it just makes the color worse I assured him that I could not hate it more than I already did.

Oh how wrong I was. I don't even like bananas.

I miss Brandie. I miss money.


what kind of a name is abra said...

I love you. I can admit it. You are the funniest girl I have ever read, I mean met. I can't keep up with all your blogginess, no addictions implied, of course, so here is one long comment to catch up...HAHHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHHA, me too!!! HAHAHAHAHAH AHAH AHHAHAHHA, I so get that!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. My husband and I have the SAME THING, he says one thing and I hear a total different, it's like when people yell at someone who doesn't speak english thinking, that by speaking louder, the person will suddenly understand. Oh, and I am BLEACHING, my son's beautiful dark hair BLOND during conference too. Is that sacreligous?? (how do you spell that??) and why isn't there spell-check for comments????

Roger said...

Dad says be glad it's not Green Bananas like Barb Presley did one time.


PHOTOS!!! We need photos!

gina said...

I agree!!! I'm so curious- My dad was a hair stylist while I was growing up. In his whole career, he only messed up twice. On me and my sister. My hair turned orange and my sister pink!!! We still looked hot though :)

gina said...

To clarify what I agree with.... I want to see pictures!

Amy said...

NO PICTURES. Except my sisters took some without my concent, so we'll probably see them anyways.

Abra, I love you too. And I love seeing people yell at the non-english speaking people. It makes me laugh. My old boss was always doing that to our clients. It was hysterical!

jlcumber said...

I HAVE PHOTOS!!!! :) I took them yesterday at the parties!

Sam said...

Ok, much are we talking? Are you ready to talk turkey? I have some money in an IRA I can cash out. :)