Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Fools

Here's the hijicks that went down around here for April Fool's Day...

Kiki and Kai Kai greased our bedroom door knob this morning so we couldn't open the door.

MoJo drew a picture of four big spideys and taped it to the big girls' door. Then she made us all close our eyes and she led us right up to the picture and had us open our eyes. It was as terrifying as spiders drawn by a five year old can be. She was so exited that we acted scared. It was super cute.

VeeVee had to have a shower this morning to get the baby oil out of her hair that was there because Kai was bathing her last night and mistook it for shampoo. Here's what I imagine her thinking as she got out of the shower While mom is busy ironing that shirt I'll just go in her closet and take a huge runny dump. I'm so funny. Kai picked her up and the poop was discovered...all over her sisters clean shirt. It seemed like an easy clean up because it was all in one neat little pile on her dad's jacket. I just picked the jacket up, flushed the pile, and threw it in the wash. Then I realized that the little orange things scattered around my room were cubed carrots from last night's dinner. She sure doesn't chew very well with those random baby denture teeth. She thought her joke was awesome.

The big girls took the batteries out of my mouse and stuck a note saying April Fools! on the bottom of it for me to find. They were pretty sure that it was the greatest joke ever because I wouldn't be able to blog.

They were pretty bummed that we didn't do anything to "get" them, so we put the baby monitor reciever under their bunk beds. Then we put a spinny door knob thing on the inside of their bedroom door so they couldn't get out. Once we had them in bed, Chris went to the transmitor and starting crying into it Please let me out, I'm not dead, go get the police, I can't feel my legs, why can't I feel my legs, get out while you can gypsy. Here's a video of their response. It was good that we finally "got" them.

I can hear them up stairs right now sneaking around. I think I'll sleep down here tonight. I don't even want to see what they've done to our bedroom.

For the record, the reason she had that poncho on was that she had my feminine pads hiding in it so they could go into our bathroom and write their names on our mirrors with pads. Oh, and they greased my phone then called me.


what kind of a name is abra said...

can I live at your house????

Amy said...

5:59am?!? Are you crazy, Abra? Yes, you can live at my house if you wake up with my early riser every morning and let me sleep until 9ish.