Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Top Ten Tuesdays - Top Ten Hottie Hots edition

My list is all wonkey today. I don't know what I did wrong with the layout, but it is what it is.
I like funny, I like blue eyes, I like Mexican dudes, I like a lot of old guys, I love musicians and comedians. Here ya go:
David Beckham. Yeah, David Beckham

Clay Walker So hot, so talented, so southern accent. so white teeth.

Donald Rumsfeld. I like funny, powerful, Republican, men.

Cristián de la Fuente

Best looking man on earth after my hot hot husband. He used to be on Family Law and I could barely watch it without giggling like an idiot.

Stephen Lynch

Funny gets me every time. I didn't like his live show, it was, what's that one word that starts with an R and means like, sacrilegious or something? Anyways, it was yuck. But his Comedy Central special is worth watching all 1,287 times. So cute and so funny and so able to play a guitar and I love guys playing the guitar.

Paul Newman

Circa Sundance Kid, blue eyes, dimple things, beautiful teeth, I love me some straight white teeth.

Vince Vaughn

I KNOW, not technically hot to most people, but the funny makes me love love love him.

Jon Bon Jovi

Always hot. Always great hair. Always amazing teeth and he sings/plays the piano/plays the guitar. Hot.

Michael Buble

Adorable, very funny, that VOICE. I'm getting dizzy thinking about him.

Nate Berkus



jlcumber said...

Cristián de la Fuente WHO WHO WHO IS HE?!?! HOT!!!!! Good list Amy...except for Donald. EWWW

Sam said...

Rummy? Really? Cute! Hey, when you said Clay whomever, I thought you were talking about the American Idol effeminate dude, Clay. Phew. Yes, Clay Walker is yummy. And we need to see a pic of Mr. Hottest on the planet except for Codo, Cristian whomever. :0 Fun list, A!

jlcumber said...

I went to lunch with Josh and he was totally freaking out that you put "Rummy". TOTALLY Freaking out! I said: do you know who Donald Rusfeld is. He said Yes...WHO PUT HIM?!?!?! When I said Amy he lost it. Couldn't decide weather to laugh or cry. :)

Thayer & Associates said...

Nate Berkus YES, Michael Buble YES, Jon Bon Jovi YES and YES, David Beckham YES YES YES. Donald Rumsfeld This is a JOKE yes.

Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...

Hello! I have heard so much about you.
Consider us blog friends!
Love your top 10 by the way.


gina said...

Here's my top ten eye candy (in no particular order)
David Beckham - Sigh
Robert Pattinson
Matthew McConaughey
Brad Pitt
Olivier Martinez
Will Smith
Richard Gere
Tom Brady
Ryan Gosling
Jude Law

Amy said...

I'm with you on all of these except Richard Gere (the whole gerbil thing) and Ryan Gosling (weasel face). I hope Robert Pattinson does a good Edward, or there's gonna be a whole lot of dissappointed women out there.