Monday, April 28, 2008

Sickos part two

Remember last time we had stomach flu in our home and I swore they were all getting in bed together the next time it struck (this post), so it wouldn't take so long to go through our whole family? Yeah, I didn't. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.

I knew all day that Momo wasn't quite right and neither am I for that matter, but no barf, just pain and uncomfortable yucky tummy stuff. Then, at 7pm, the door bell rang signalling that our Family Home Evening guests had arrived, simultaneously I heard Momo start to scream the death scream. I started to head downstairs. Kiki opened the door to let our visitors in just as Mo vomited all the way from the family room to the downstairs bathroom. The bathroom right by the front door. Right where our guests were standing. A river of vomit right up to their feet. Poor little missionary boys, so young, so naive, so unprepared for the joys of parenthood. I think I saw one of them mentally decide right then to never have children.

They stayed for our lesson and song and prayer and everything. Brave little suckers. I did wrap up their dessert to take with them and made them use hand sanitizer several times.

It was hard not to make them wait with vomit all around them while I grabbed the camera and documented the moment for blogging purposes. Instead, I grabbed towels and Clorox wipes and did my best to salvage the evening.

I saw VeeVee drinking out of Mo's cup before bed tonight and I didn't stop her. Drink up, babe, get it over with.


jlcumber said...

I am in bed right now laughing so hard I shook Josh awake...Um...not happy with me now. Jenny! You HAVE to turn that off. :)
Ok Ok. Sorry you guys are sick again. Glad we can blame it on Kenzie.